Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tully's, english, and stuff i'll hella miss

today wasn't as eventful as usual, apart from song clinics starting. for lunch me and two of my friends, karen and jojo, walked to lakeshore through the wind. it was freeeezing and we were nearly blown away, that's how strong it was. we naturally were in the mood for something warm, so we went for some coffee at tully's. and let me tell you, usually tully's is totally EMPTY, maybe one or two people on their laptops. today, it was PACKED. im pretty sure it was a fieldtrip for some adult retards. it was AWKWARD. they took up hella room, and we had sooo much trouble snagging a table. karen was almost left without a chair =[, but the nice leader of the army of retards (in his lovely llama poncho) gave her his. how sweet.

another thing is we're starting to read Lord of the Flies in english. i actually don't mind the assigned books this semester, so far we've had Rome & Juliet and The Catcher in the Rye. nothing like LAST semester when we got these strange books that were hella depressing. they were basically autobiographies of people's hard childhoods. like stuff about killing cats, abusing fellow students, and making your grandma so angry that when she goes to slap you, she misses with such force that she falls down the backyard stairs and gets stuck under a chain-linked fence. fun stuff. i guess what im trying to say is im excited about reading recognized books, but mostly for the pleasure of later being able to say that i have read them. impresses people, you know? especially when the fam asks you about school. "yes, auntie, just two more and i'll have read all of shakespeare's plays!" (yeah as if, i HELLA wish i had that kind of time and patience).

last thing i need to say is that i feel HELLA guilty not letting vars know that i'm moving. probably moving. it's like im giving them false hope, coming to clinics and trying out. while we were reviewing arm positions i started to think about how much i'd miss out on this year. no camp. no rally. no winterfaire. no DISNEY LAND. =[. but when i REALLY think about it, it's worth it. i really don't want to end today's blog so sadly, so i'll say something else. my grade in geometry raised two points! i am no longer on the borderline between A- and B+. YAY! good news. another good thing is how i'm going to sell my jv uniform. damn. i'll have HELLA money after that =]. shopping?

p.s. jojo say's i say "hella" too much. i actually used that word three times in one sentence today. i feel lame and retarded.